3DWorld (110/293)

From:Thomas Frieden
Date:19 Apr 2000 at 15:21:05
Subject:Re: MiniGL archive corrupt?


On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Alan Buxey wrote:
> havent been able to compile yet...and this is the subject of my question.
> what 'make' program should I get...i dont want to install the geekgadget
> system if possible...so a name and ftp site/ web URL would be great thanks

MiniGL can be used with the following compilers
StormC V3
StormC V4
vbcc (see my other mail on why it doesn't really work)

If somebody wants support for other compilers, I'm afraid you'll be on
your own. We use gcc at Hyperion, so this is the compiler it's build with
in the first place.

If you want to use the makefiles, I'm afraid there won't be any way around
the Geek Gadgets stuff. It's a large archive, I know, but the most
complete system you'll get.

If you have SAS/C, you may try to 'mkmk' in the source directory, maybe
it works....

Alternatively, you can compile by hand...


Thomas Frieden